Chinese Horoscope 2010 Feb 14 - 2011 Feb 2
Author: Han Teen SEE
2010 The year of the Tiger will be arriving on 14th Feb 2010.
2010 the year of Tiger will be like that of a mirage. Many areas might seem to be improving and even blooming. However the foundations for recovery will still remain shaky and unstable. The benefits of policies that have been made to tide people over the recession will have taken effect, but the instability will be far from over. Nevertheless, there will still be opportunities to make a fortune this year. While some issues such as military engagements, political power struggles, terrorism and civil disturbances might continue to persist or even get more severe, there will be other new challenges that will start to reveal themselves during 2010. These challenges will include food shortages, structural problems/land movements, social instability and general disillusionment in people. The gloomy outlook will not necessarily imply gloom and doom. The complex nature of this year will be that logic might not apply. Although the earliest where things will start tumbling down might be around the middle of 2010, this might certainly be delayed or even will never need to come about. It will depend on how long this mirage will last and how soon a new evolution will materialize. This evolution will be a new force or drive that will create a new start for all. It might be in the form of a lifestyle, or the appearance of an outstanding and charismatic leader(s).
One of the major issues confronting us will be that of food shortages. The scarcity of food will naturally drive up the prices of necessities and will cause great difficulty especially to the poor and to those who will be barely surviving the recession. In recent years, many agricultural countries switched from producing crops for food to fuel. With the bad weather and other natural calamities during 2009 and those expected in 2010, the impact of reduced food supplies will be greatly felt in 2010. This impact should not be underestimated as where crop-producing countries give priority to their own and control exports, this might cause difficulties to countries that are dependent on food imports. Some countries that have already anticipated this problem have even bought large tracts of land in other countries to grow crops for their own people.
There will also be more cases of landslides, structural collapses or even greater earth plate movements that might be caused by nature or be man-made. Some of these incidents might be prevented by requiring greater safety precautions when dealing with sloping land without grass or adhering strictly to the safety precautions during construction or other work sites such as mines or tunnels. However, it will be more challenging when it comes to preventing major structures such as tall skyscrapers from collapsing or sudden earth movements. In today’s world, we are competing to build the tallest buildings or biggest structures. Although living and working in tall skyscrapers and structures commands a premium, it might be very dangerous should disaster strike. Geologists might be able to provide some notice for people to have adequate time to escape provided the destruction is caused by nature. However, nature will not be solely responsible for such destruction.
The military engagements and political power struggles will continue in 2010. There will be more terrorist activities and civil disturbances. Males in the military and politics will do much better than their female counterparts. As explained earlier, the foundation of life will be threatened in 2010, through food shortages, poor job opportunities, a widening of social classes and worse of living conditions. Many will become disillusioned and feel a sense of hopelessness and despair. It will not relate to intelligence or maturity, but rather will be people’s perception of the present and the future. Thus, terrorists might be able to infiltrate society easily than in previous years. Riots and civil disorder might even sound appealing to those who will feel desperate and hopeless.
The Media and Corporations who will project this mirage will not be seen to be right or wrong. It will be the equivalent to injecting anesthetic into a patient who is severely in pain. Who will blame the doctors for trying to reduce the pain and suffering of the patients? If everybody were to react, it will cause too much panic and disorder and the destruction might be too fast and drastic to cope with. By creating a mirage in order to buy time till the next revolution might delay the collapse and lessen the pain to become more manageable. However, if too much anesthetic is given or there is a continuous use of painkillers, it might cause other complications and even result in death. If this mirage seems so real and remains for too long, people might start to have difficulty differentiating between the mirage and reality. Doomsayers who have the intention to frighten the public for their own self-interest might be despicable, but those who paint a rosy picture in front of a cliff causing people to fall to their deaths are not much better either. Thus, it would be best to adopt a middle ground.
2010 provides the best natural environment for the birth of a new evolution that will improve people’s lives and create another driving force for the next generation. This evolution might take the form of a new industry, a new form of lifestyle or even might be outstanding individual(s). Sometimes an evolution might gains its strength from a large collapse of society while others take off naturally with the help of a gentle breeze. Whichever way this new evolution might materialize, it would still be best to exercise caution and not to get in the way of the collapse if it ever materializes. You might also not want to get too carried away with the man-made mirage. Though it might lessen the pain, it will not be able to right a wrong. Instead, allow your true conscience to embrace the evolution. Through collective positive thinking, a natural evolution might just come about.
Wishing you all the best and good luck for the year of the Tiger.
The predictions described are of a general nature. The products mentioned pertain to JMINE Consulting products. If you have any questions or need personalized advice, feel free to contact us.
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Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake
Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig

This is a challenging year for those who are born in the year of the rat. There will be hiccups, delays or even failure ahead. This will not imply that you should stop whatever you plan for. It will just be that you need to be extra cautious. Your resilience and intelligence will be an asset this year. You might not get as much help from others and have to rely on yourself most of the time and you will also need to be careful in whom you might trust to prevent being set up by others. Further, there might also be tension with your partner. There will also be indications of legal problems that might even result in a custodial sentence. Thus, you might want to be cautious with regard to any legal matters and might avoid taking any risks that might place you in such a predicament, notwithstanding the attractiveness of any returns. You might have the tendency to fall ill and be involved in accidents. There might also be the indications of death in the family or of friends. Aside from taking care of your own health and safety, you might also want to keep watch over your friends and family. It might not be easy to make a lot of money this year and as such you might want to save instead.
In terms of your career, there will be more challenges than ever. There will be delays, failures or tasks being abandoned. In additional to the difficulty of receiving the necessary support, more office politics than usual will exist. Sudden unforeseen crisis might also arise. Hence, it would be advisable to thread with care and maintain a low profile. If you need to sign any documents, you might want to exercise extra care when doing so and also might not want to push your luck when taking risks or challenging the law as there will be a likelihood of ending up with a custodial sentence. Reaping short-term benefits by infringing the law will result in serious consequences. Where there are traffic fines or small legal issues, it will be best to settle them before they become too complicated. You might also want to be careful in terms of whom you might trust at work to avoid being framed or being given misleading information. It might be better to collect sensitive or important information by yourself. Although it might be difficult to get the returns of all your hard work, you will want to be more patient this year and not to be too hard on yourself.
If you are doing business, you might like to keep a low profile and adopt conservative and well-tested methods. There might also be a high tendency of betrayals and backstabbing and you might not want to put too much trust in people, especially if they might have conflicting interest with yours. You might also not want to share confidential information such as opportunities and your client list with others. Tension with business partners that might result in legal disputes will be a possibility. There will also be a need to have contingency plans and a greater buffer as there will be more sudden crisis erupting this year. Flexibility of having both more time and resources to cope with these problems will be required. You might want to place extra care with regard to legal and corporate matters. If there are areas that you are unfamiliar with, you might need to seek help from professionals to avoid breaking the law.
There will be difficulties in making a lot of wealth this year. Aside from having difficulty to save, there will also be indications of overspending. A portion of such spending might be due to impulse buying. Although you might be very tempted to take certain risks in order to reap some quick returns, it will be best to avoid taking such risks. How much you might be able to save will also depend on how well you can avoid legal problems. Apart from legal issues, you might also need to use your money to keep you out of other troubles.
There might be a lot of tension and instability in your relationship. One of the main reasons will be due to the exceeding challenges and stress that you will be facing this year that will affect your treatment of your partner and you might want to avoid taking it out on your partner. Be patient and let your partner understand the difficulties you are faced with. This will be a good time to determine the strength of your relationship. You will certainly be able to make good use of the encouragement and the support your partner will be able to provide by keeping your communication channels open. Accepting help and support from your partner is not to be seen as a sign of weakness.
You will be accident-prone this year. This might be due to your lack of patience and having too much on your mind and you might want to avoid participating in any high-risk activities. If you feel that you are tired or easily distracted by your thoughts, smses or emails, you should avoid driving or operating machinery. Your health will also be unstable and this will be related to stress, frustration and your hectic lifestyle. Aside from your own health and safety, there might be a death in the family or of friends.
There will be a lot of backstabbing, betrayals or even outright confrontations with others this year. You might want to exercise caution when dealing with others. Using defensive techniques without putting yourself at a disadvantage, you might want to be careful in keeping confidential and sensitive information. Further, you might also want to keep your personal documentation in order for when you might require it. Even when others might be quite harsh or treat you rudely, you might want to avoid getting into a confrontation. Take a step back and plan your strategy carefully.

This will be a good year for you in many areas of your life. You will do well in terms of your career and wealth and there will be signs of promotions and increase in your wealth. Your popularity will be strong and you will enjoy being in the limelight. People issues such as betrayals or backstabbing will be minimal. Your worst enemy will be yourself this year and there will be a high tendency that you might get carried away with your new found success. Unintentionally, you might treat others abruptly and might behave very egoistically or stubbornly. People around you might start to feel the difference in your behavior and attitude and will not feel comfortable with this change. When others start to alienate you, this will restrict your growth potential. Those who have supported the idea of your promotions or to present you more opportunities might have second thoughts and will in turn limit your potential for this year. If you are able to overcome this, you will do very well this year. You will also be prone to falling ill this year and as such, you might want to take care of your health.
There will also be a strong potential of promotions or being given greater responsibility and will also be enjoying strong popularity at work. It will be easy for you to get support from your peers and management. This year will be a good time for you to participate in teamwork, projects or presentations as you will be able to negotiate or convince others easily. With the strong backing given to you, there might be a high likelihood of you becoming too egoistic. You might be quite abrupt towards others and this might lead to you alienating yourself. Although your hard work will warrant acknowledgment, you will also require the continuous support of others to progress and grow. In addition to your hard work and skills set, teamwork and leadership will also be essential and you might want to bear this in mind as it will be easier to assume larger roles with support from more people, especially your peers.
In terms of business, this will be a good year for you to delegate more time and effort to activities that increases publicity and exposure, sales and marketing. You will be able to negotiate for your terms and will be able to convince more people to do business with you. However, you might need to remember that after securing deals, the service and after sales support you provide will be crucial for your business in the long term. Hence, you might need to ensure that your team or company will be ready to be able to do so. In addition to this, you might want to keep a humble attitude towards others, both your associates and clients. When you become proud of you achievements, your clients and associates will not feel comfortable with you and might prefer to stay away and this will greatly restrict your business potential in the future. This might also become a hindrance to the success of your business. Where your business involves business partners, your relationships might be quite sensitive this year as there might be disputes over the workload arrangements and profit sharing. Thus, you might want to handle this with care as failure to handle this in a proper manner, might result in the partnership falling apart.
You will have the potential of being able to make a lot of wealth. It might be through pay increases, sales commissions, successful deals or from your own business. How much more you will reap will depend a lot on how well you will be able to remain humble and how much others like you. If you will be able to maintain a friendly relationship with others even after you have an improved position, this will allow you to maximize the opportunities of having more wealth than you already have.
For those who are single, this will be a good time to meet the love of your life. That might be someone new or someone you will have already known. Although there will be a high likelihood of you meeting your special person, you will increase your chance of success by being honest with your feelings and avoid playing mind games with others or by making things difficult as it will naturally push the other person away from your life. For those who are already in a relationship, your relationship will be stronger this year.
Most of the health problems that you will be prone to have this year will be related to more common illnesses such as colds and flu. Although they might appear as common illnesses, you will not want to put off taking care of your own health as it might escalate into bigger problems if neglected. In the event that you are not feeling well, you will want to consult a doctor and obtain the necessary medication and treatment. Your immune system will also be weaker than usual and you might want to take care of your health by drinking enough water, having adequate rest and consuming more vegetables and fruits.
There will be not much backstabbing or betrayals because everybody will tend to like you easily this year. Your popularity will soar and people will be willing to support and assist you. Even if you were to upset them, people might just alienate you and leave you alone. Although this might be so, it will be best not to offend others as they might get back at you when your popularity takes a turn for the worse. Instead, you might want to take this opportunity to build good lasting relationships with others.

You will be in a very generous mood during the Tiger year and tend to treat others often and will also lead a lavish lifestyle. However, your wealth luck will not be exceptionally good to support your extravagant lifestyle and you might need to watch your expenses. At work or business, your abilities and achievements will be recognized. However, you might be tasked to make some sensitive and difficult decisions and might have to deal with many uncooperative people. There will also be many backstabbing and betrayals and many people might tend to bad mouth or even make accusations against you. Thus, you might need to be careful to prevent others from having information that they will be able to use against you. However you will not need to spend too much effort in explaining yourself and also you will not have to do things to please others. Eventually, you will be the only person who is responsible for yourself and your own life. Relationship matters will only be average this year. You might also be accident-prone or might have surgeries or tooth extractions and will need to be careful when in traffic and also when handling sharp items.
Your talents, efforts and outstanding achievements will be well recognized. With such recognition, you might be placed in a position to make sensitive or tough decisions. Even though you will be willing to share credit with others and even reward those who have supported you well, there will still be severe office politics. There may be people confronting you outright or badmouthing you behind your back. Although it will be very frustrating and you might come under a lot of pressure, you will still need to be careful in the manner you respond towards others. You might also want to remind yourself to be true to yourself and to others at all times. As long as you know that you are handling matters with a clear conscience and you believe it is right, you will be fine.
If you are in business, you will see results from your efforts and strategies and clients and the public will recognize your achievements. As you enjoy greater fame, your life will be scrutinized at an uncomfortable level. Your colleagues or business partners might also have severe disputes with you. They might gossip behind your back or make accusations against you. Even though you are being generous with others, your generosity will not seem to help in reducing severe people issues this year. As long as you follow your business instincts and ethics, you will not want to get too bothered about how others are going to see you and you will want to continue doing your best and to enjoy yourself this year.
There will be indications of large expenses in the areas of socializing and leisure that might be for your own enjoyment or even possibly for others. You will also tend to be very generous towards others in terms of buying others meals or gifts and this will account for a major portion of your expenses. However you will need to remind yourself that recognition by others will not necessarily translate to greater wealth or more sources of income. Your wealth luck will not be especially good this year and you will easily end up overspending. Apart from watching your expenses, you might also consider mapping out a practical approach to utilize your strengths during this year and to use it to create more wealth to keep up with your lavish and extravagant lifestyle.
If you are single, the chances of finding someone special might be quite slim this year. You will be too busy and stressed out with other aspects of you life such as career and severe people issues that you will feel exhausted and might not think too much about relationship matters at this point in time. As for those who are already in a relationship you might find that you tend to be bad tempered and might even quarrel with your partner. Thus, you will want to let your partner know what you are going through, seek your partner’s understanding and try to curb your temper, as being in a relationship will provide some comfort during such a trying time.
You will be accident-prone this year and there will be indications of having surgeries or sustaining cuts. You might want to keep your mind clear if driving or when crossing roads. If your job requires you to handle machinery, scissors, knives or other sharp instruments, you might want to be extra careful. If you feel unwell or distracted easily, it will be safer to take a break or request to be able to carry it out at another time as you might not want to end up injuring yourself or others. There might also be the possibility of having a tooth extracted as well.
There will be severe people issues this year. Although your generosity might cause some people to think twice before treating you abruptly or rudely, it might not be adequate to improve others perceptions of you. There might be direct confrontations, bad mouthing by others or even accusations made against you and you will need to tread with care in the way you manage matters. It will not help to explain too much as it might cause deeper misunderstandings and provided you do things with a clear conscience, you will not need to get too bothered about such accusations made against you. Accusations and rumors will die off as time passes. You do not need to live for others but need to live with the decisions that you have made.

Many people who are born in the year of the rabbit have had a rough ride during the year of the Ox but will have good news this year. Your luck will be improved tremendously compared to last year and you have regained your popularity and support. There will also be indications of career advancement and better wealth prospects this year. Although this will be so, you might still find yourself feeling moody and troubled and this might or might not be due to the lingering effects of 2009. There will also be signs of you indulging in vices that will not only impact your relationships, but will also affect your professionalism. You will be quite gullible and might be perfect prey for those who are a bad influence on you. Thus, you will need to be cautious about this and understand that you are responsible for the consequences of your own actions. Be selective in terms of whom you interact with, places you frequent and things you are exposed to and try to have positive thoughts and maintain a positive lifestyle. Your health will be average this year. The challenges that appear this year will be quite sudden but will be manageable. Hope that you will utilize this year to catch up with what you have missed out during the previous year.
After a bumpy road during the year of the Ox, your perseverance will eventually pay off. This year you will be rewarded with career advancements and you will also get the support from others that was lacking last year. This will be a good year to participate in marketing, sales, presentations, negotiations, teamwork and socializing. Aside from work, you will also have many opportunities to enjoy yourself even at work. If you earn from commissions or sales, you will do very well. Although you might appear energetic and vibrant, there will be some matters bothering you that might or might not be due directly to your work. However, it will certainly affect the way you manage matters at work and you might need to take a step back if you feel that the hidden frustrations are making it difficult for you to focus. There might also be the possibility of having office affairs this year and you will need to be weary and think twice about this as it will affect your professionalism tremendously.
If you are in business, there will be greater growth in business and revenues this year and it will be a good time to engage in sales and publicity. You will be able to clinch very good deals and get support from others. This will be a huge leap compared to the Ox year. You will also have more relaxing and enjoyment opportunities. Even though many things will move on smoothly, you might be affected by some unexplained mood swings and frustration. Thus, you will want to avoid letting such behavior hinder your perception of matters and the optimal results that you will be able to achieve from this year. You might also be faced with some indecent proposals and will not want to fall into such traps as you might need to spend a lot of effort and money trying to get yourself out of such trouble later.
Your wealth luck will improve tremendously compared with the Ox year and will be especially so if you were to earn via commissions, sales or projects. At the same time, you might tend to spend more in the areas of socializing and entertainment. Be careful of spending on vices that will cause potential problems that you will end up needing lots of money and effort to resolve in the long run. Apart from this, there will also be sudden and unforeseen occurrences that require the usage of large sums of money. Thus, you might want to keep some money aside for such events. By avoiding being caught in the midst of such troubles or being blackmailed, will give you a greater chance of earning and saving a lot of money.
In general, your relationship will be stable this year but there will be hidden dangers. If you are single, it will be easy for you to make friends. However, they might not end up being the love of your life and this should not stop you from making more friends. But you might also need to be careful in making commitments too soon. You might also find yourself in a position where you adore someone but the person might not feel the same way for you or you might not feel the same way for someone who has expressed his or her affection for you. If you are already in relationship, this will be a good year to spend more quality time with that special person. At the same time, you might want to restrain yourself from falling into vices or being seduced by third parties as this will become a potential problem that might cause your relationship to turn sour. However, this will be certainly avoidable through self-discipline.
Your health in general will be average and possible health issues that might arise will usually be related to indulging in too much alcohol and nightlife. Although it will be fine to be a social drinker, everybody’s health condition and lifestyle will determine each person's threshold for drinking. If you drink, do not drive or operate any machinery. Having too much nightlife will also interfere with your sleeping patterns and this will result in weaker concentration and also lower your immune system. 2010 will be a much better year compared to last year. As such, you might want to reap the best out of this by simply keeping healthy and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
This year, people in general will treat you well and there will not be as much backstabbing and betrayals compared to last year thus regaining the support of others. As many areas will improve for you, you will notice that many people will want to be your friends this year. These might even include those who had abandoned you last year and you might need to be wary of such people. Apart from this, you will need to be cautious about others having a bad influence on you. They might tempt you to make risky moves or give you wrong information. It will be best to keep your mind clear, in order to be able to differentiate between goodwill and hypocrisy.

This will be a great year for you to execute your plans, especially in the areas of your career and wealth and you will also be given the necessary authority to do so. While your responsibilities and job scope increases, you might also have difficulty focusing. You will also not want to attempt handling everything on your own. Having many loyal supporters will also be very beneficial to you during this year as with many things to do and little time to do so, you might tend to be more moody and less tolerant than usual. However you will be able to manage your temper well. There might be a tendency to compromise your own health and that might result in unstable health conditions. Thus, you might want to delegate some of your responsibilities in order to have some time for yourself to rest and keep healthy. Although your wealth luck will not be very good this year, it will still be above average and you will even be able to save more money compared to last year. Relationship matters will only be average this year. Your elders’ might have very poor health and safety this year that might even be life threatening. As such you might want to take special precautions to reduce the possibility of such incidents occurring.
This year will be a great time to manifest your career dreams as you will be bestowed the power and authority to carry out bigger plans. With more power and authority, will come a wider job scope and heavier responsibilities. Thus you might find yourself being stretched where your personal time and health is concerned. Since you will have too many things on your plate, your focus and concentration will be weaker than average and you might tend to overlook details or forget matters. You might also want to avoid making impulsive decisions and for any important matters, you should give more time to look through the details before coming to any decision. The loyal and supportive allies that you have formed over time will come in very handy this year as they will be able to watch over you and lighten your workload. “Delegation” will be the key word for you. As there will be a greater tendency to have inadequate rest resulting in weaker health, your tolerance level will be lower than usual. You will need to watch your temper and keep your health at an optimal level in order to utilize your good career opportunities.
If you are in business, this will be good year to consider expanding. Expansion of business will not imply that you rush into increasing your headcount or expanding the size of your premises. Instead you might want to look at the fundamentals of your business and consider expanding your business taking a practical and realistic approach where your success rate will be higher than in previous years. When you are launching such expansion plans, there will be many matters that you will need to attend to from legal, financial to operational matters. Due to having too many matters to attend to you might overlook or forget things. Thus, it will be best to have someone that you can trust to help you during this crucial period. Not only will the person be able to double check on matters, they will also be able share the workload with you. It will not be realistic to try to do everything by yourself even though you might not want to trust others completely, you will certainly need some help. As you will also be more grumpy than usual this year, you might not want to let this affect your judgment and your relationship with people who will be able to support you.
Your wealth luck will be above average this year. Although there will be signs of your career advancement, this might not necessarily translate into better remuneration and you might want to negotiate for it. Even if your requests might not be granted immediately, your superiors will look into your increment at the appropriate time. Your side wealth luck will be average. If you are in business or earning via sales and commissions, you might need to invest in expanding your business though the returns might not be immediate. This will be a year to sow your seeds in order to reap the fruits of your labor later.
Your relationship matters will remain stable and quiet this year as your focus will be on your career, wealth and health as those areas will require more of your time and effort. If you are single, there will be a high likelihood of being so preoccupied that you will not notice people being interested in you. If you are in a relationship, you might respond in an indifferent manner. Even if there are some relationship issues that annoy you, it will be best to express your unhappiness in a very subtle manner. You might also prefer not to rock your relationship during this period.
You will be prone to falling ill and most of the health problems will be due to inadequate rest, irregular meals, and a poor immune system. Though time will be very precious, you will not want to abuse your body by allowing time for rest and having regular meals. No matter how busy you might be, do not compromise your health as good health will be the foundation of your success. In order for you to run the extra mile, you will need to have good health. Apart from your own health, you might want to keep an eye on your elder’s health and safety as there might be the possibility of life threatening incidents.
People will be wary about you and will think twice about backstabbing or betraying you because you will be gaining more authority in career/business and will have a lot of say in terms of deciding the career advancement of others. Even though this might be so, it will not mean that there will not be daredevils trying to challenge you. You will continue to be vulnerable in that you will have too many things on your plate and might tend to overlook details or forget matters that might open you up to attacks. Thus, you will still need loyal friends or subordinates to watch over you and lighten your workload during this time. However, you will need to be careful in identifying these people who will support you.

This year, the greatest challenge that you will encounter will be the internal turmoil that you will be going through. You will tend to be more pessimistic than usual and will procrastinate and be nonchalant and this will be reflected in your approach to matters and this might cause you to lose opportunities in areas of your career, wealth and relationships. You might even feel trapped and be emotionally and mentally tired and your behavior will be contagious and might repel some people away from you. There will also be severe people issues such as backstabbing, betrayals and accusations. Thus, you might want to work on improving your inner world and to have a lighter schedule to reduce any possible additional stress and might also focus on controlling your own mind and heart, rather than allowing chaos into your life. Do things that you will enjoy and interact with people who will encourage you. You might also not want to make impulsive decisions this year. Those who are born in the year of the snake and are females will do better than males. If you are male and born in the year of snake, you might want to collaborate with females to help improve your success rate.
Though you might be able to sail smoothly through this year, you will face challenges in controlling your moods and emotions. There will be signs of fatigue and lack of energy at work and you will be quite distracted and pessimistic at how things might be going. You will be passive and respond slower then usual. Self doubt in your own abilities and questions pertaining to your situation will surface and linger in your mind that will give you the impression of being in a dilemma. Your colleagues might alienate you or not treat you sincerely as you might hope for as they might be able to sense your pessimism. Some might even feel that you are just lazy or indulging in self-pity. Thus, you will want to stay focused on what you have in hand. It will be important for you to keep positive and have a clear mind. Females who are born in the year of the snake will perform better than their male counterparts.
If you are in business, progress might be slower than you might expect. You might feel the lack of drive this year as your mind seems to be clouded with a lot of questions and uncertainties and you feel unsure of what to do. When strategies are proposed, you might drag your feet to carry them out and in turn cause opportunities to be shut. There will also be a high likelihood that you might forget to follow up on matters and be irresponsible in the way you handle matters that might cost you losing your clients and potential clients. Your business associates and subordinates might find it more difficult to support you as you will be more temperamental than usual. If you are able to stay focused on the positive areas of your life and exercise the power of The Present, you will be able to enjoy the peace and solitude of this year.
Your wealth luck will be below average and as such you might also want to consider taking a conservative approach to wealth management this year. If you are earning a stable income, you will be able to save some money. Though there will be some expenses incurred in helping you to remain positive and relaxed, you will still be able to save. If you are earning via commissions and sales, you will have a more difficult time than usual. However, if you will be able to maintain clarity of mind towards your goals and having a positive drive, you will be able to keep yourself afloat. You might want to consider avoiding any gambling activities and adopting a conservative approach for all types of investments.
If you are single, you will find that there might be some confusion in the area of relationships. You might fall in love with someone who is not available or will not reciprocate your feelings and might also attract people whom you will not really like to be with. This might put you in an impossible situation and result in you being confused and might drain your energy and affect your performance at work. Instead you might want to focus on the realistic possibility of progress in your relationship rather than dwelling too much on unrealistic expectations. If you are in a relationship, you will appear to be moody and even indifferent to your partner and might even feel that your relationship is restricting your development and your growth. Regardless of whether you are in a relationship or not, you might want to avoid confusing fantasy with reality and will not want to rush into making any decisions that you might regret later.
Your health will be average in general and the health conditions that you will be prone to suffer from will be nerve related ones such as stiffness in the neck and shoulders, migraines as well as spinal problems. You might also have a poor appetite. It will be good to participate in activities that will allow you to relax your mind and boost your positive thinking. Thus you might consider going for massages or some other activities that will allow you to relax your muscles.
The people issues this year might be severe and there will be many betrayals and backstabbing. Even though people might treat you well in your presence, they might be doing the opposite behind your back. Thus, be careful of others trying to set you up or get you into trouble or simply place you in a bad light. Though you might be able to sense such actions and might try to defend yourself, you might end up alienating yourself from others. As you struggle with your inner demons, the outside world will not be of any help. However, it will be best not to reveal your struggles as any signs of weakness might make you easy prey to others. However, avoid alienating yourself from people when it pertains to work related matters. Maintaining a comfortable distance so that others will not be able to tell your thoughts but allow you to still be able to know what is going on around you. If you are able to strike a balance, you will be able avoid a lot of people issues this year.

The year of the Tiger will be a fantastic year for you in terms of your career and wealth. This will be a good time to aim high and reap the best from this year. It will be much better than the previous year and you will be likely to secure many opportunities and gain good fortune. However, your good fortune will come hand in hand with severe people issues. There will be more people who will want to create problems for you and hinder your growth. Be wary of such people and you might want to exercise caution in order not to fall into their traps. You might want to keep documents securely and not make impulsive decisions. There might also be signs of unforeseen legal problems and you might want to avoid overlooking administrative or contractual matters as they might have severe legal implications. If there are a lot of terms and conditions attached to any matter, you might want to give yourself more time to consider rather than jumping into a decision as your concentration will be weaker than average. You might want to stay focused. Further more, your health will be slightly below average and your relationship will be average. Hope that you will fully utilize this year and make the best out of it.
This will be a very good year where your career is concerned as there will be indications of promotions and salary increases and you will likely secure good offers and deals. Although this will be a very promising year, you might not want to get too carried away as there will be severe people issues and even the possibility of legal problems. Some people might even make things up just to put you in a difficult position. Your concentration might be weaker than usual and you might tend to overlook details and forget things and others might also be ready to pounce on you for any wrong moves you might make. Unexpected legal issues might arise due to you overlooking details, having disagreements with others or even other reasons that are beyond comprehension. If there are people trying to lure you into taking high risks for short term gains, you will want to pass on it as this year will be so good that will not need to take such risks for better prospects. You will also want to be humble and positive. Stay alert and keep out of trouble and you will be able to take your career to the next level.
If you are in business, you will do very well. In addition to clinching good business deals, you will also make a large fortune from it. However, the price that will come with such success will be the danger of attracting people who might want to bring you down. They might accuse you or make things up in order to make you look bad. Thus, you will want to stay humble with your outstanding achievements while maintaining a lookout for such people. As your focus will be weaker than usual, you might overlook matters and you should not deal with administrative or contractual matters in a slipshod manner as it might lead to legal implications that might dampen your success. Thus, it will be best not to take any risks in matters that might infringe the law. Though you are a lively and trusting person in general, you will need to be shrewd this year. Enjoy and get ready to reap the most out of this good year.
There will be many opportunities of wealth for you everywhere this year. Both your main and side wealth will be strong. Though you will have this great advantage over others, it will not mean that wealth will naturally fall into your lap without you having to do anything as you will still need to work hard at securing such wealth. However, you will not want to put yourself at risk by participating heavily in gambling activities. There will be two vital aspects that will determine how much you can get from this year. These will be how well you will be able to avoid costly legal problems and protect yourself from people who might want to limit your earnings potential or even get you into trouble. Remember that while you will be trying to reach for the sky, keep your feet on the ground.
If you are single, the chances of getting into a relationship will be quite slim this year. You might not want to put too much focus on looking for a partner actively and prefer to take it as it comes naturally. If you are already in a relationship, your relationship will be average this year. It will be peaceful as you will be busy with your career. However, a potential problem will be that you might be so busy that you might neglect your partner and this might create a distance between you and your partner. Thus, you will want to strike a balance between your work and life. If you are unable to, you will want to communicate with your partner that you are just going through a phase. During this year, the support that you will be able to get from your partner and family will be very important.
Your health will be slightly below average. Though you might be accident prone, it will be avoidable. You might also want to have adequate rest to improve your concentration as well as your immune system and will want to keep your mind clear when driving or operating machinery and also abide by traffic regulations for your own safety. You will also want to have a balanced diet, regular exercises and a positive mindset as this will help you from falling ill as often, but will also improve your concentration that will be lacking this year.
People issues will be quite severe this year and you will find that there will be more people trying to create trouble for you by making things more difficult and even making unfounded accusations against you. Thus, you will want to be careful and avoid sharing confidential and sensitive information with others, especially to those who might even have a conflict of interest with you as they might use it against you or even attempt to jeopardize your opportunities. You will want to keep documents to protect yourself in the event others might twist your words, put words in your mouth or even go back on their own words. There will be people who might attempt to mislead you into making decisions and you will be easy prey because your concentration will be weaker this year and you will want to avoid being slipshod or make impulsive decisions. You might also want to be shrewd this year. Although people issues will be severe, you will want to stay cordial in order to know what is going on around you while keeping a safe enough distance to protect yourself.

The year of the Tiger will be an enjoyable year for you. You will get adequate support and help from people at the appropriate time and this will not only reduce your worries and lighten your load but increase your confidence as well and help to smooth out the many bumps along the way. The feeling of acceptance and being appreciated will be a great energy booster and you will seem to have the persona that will simply attract nice people to you. You will also attain job satisfaction and enjoy yourself at work. There will also be good news in the area of relationships. If you are single, you might find someone special this year. If you are married, you might welcome a new member into your family. Although you will have exceedingly good luck in many aspects of your life, there will be two main areas that will need your attention. You will want to watch your expenses, as you might tend to overspend. If not careful, not only will you have difficulty to retain your earnings, you might even fall into debt. Another area will be that your health will be more unstable than usual and you will be prone to falling ill. In order not to let poor health get in the way of such a good year, you will want to work on maintaining good health.
Although this year will not exactly be a smooth sailing one, you will feel that it will not be too bad after all mainly because the challenges that arise will usually be manageable. In addition to this, people will also be willing to help and support you adequately. The strong backing you will receive from others will make you feel that you are welcomed and appreciated and this will give you greater confidence and will increase your enjoyment at work. This will be a good year to participate in teamwork, sales, marketing, projects and conducting more presentations as you will be able to negotiate well and very convincingly. It will seem that you will be able to emit a type of glow that will attract people to you and they will find you approachable and want to be part of your life. You will notice that either you will get more things accomplished during this period of time or you will enjoy more job satisfaction and will want to maximize this to your advantage and enjoy it.
If you are in business, you might experience the usual business concerns. However, the burden will be lighter this year as you will be blessed with good support from many people that might include your clients, authority figures, other related personnel or even your family and friends. In general, people will be willing to give you more leeway and will do their best to cooperate with you. Thus, this will be a good time to focus on building your client base and strengthening your rapport with them and will be definitely a good year to increase your market share. While you are increasing your market share, you might want to look into how you account for your expenses as one potential danger that might arise is that you might get too carried away and tend to overspend, depleting your savings. Thus, you might want to look into how you can make good use of your savings and reinvest them.
Your wealth luck will be average this year. However, there will be indications of making large impulsive expenses and most of the spending will be on socializing, enjoyment, decoration, purchasing of ornaments or on things that are related with beauty. Your expenses will be much higher than your income and this might cause you to be unable to save but deplete your savings as well. Thus, you might want to watch your expenses carefully. Although your general luck will be good this year, you might still want to keep some money for rainy days. However, do not get too carried away with enjoyment this year till you forget your long-term plans and avoid letting money slip through your fingers. You will want to achieve some balance between your savings and expenses.
If you are single, there will be a high possibility that you will find love this year. You might want to expand your social circle to increase the possibility of meeting the special person who might be someone whom you will meet for the first time this year or might be someone whom you have met long time ago but will only begin to have chemistry with this year. If you are with someone already, you might get married this year and will be busy getting prepared for that special day. If you are already married, you might receive good news of welcoming a new member into your family. You will enjoy having a relationship this year as it will be full of pleasant surprises.
Your health will be unstable this year and you will be prone to falling ill. In addition to a poorer immune system, you might tend to have digestive problems, gastric, stomach flu or related illnesses. As such you will want to watch your diet and have regular meals. This will be a good year for you in many aspects of your life and you will be able to enjoy yourself on many occasions. Thus, you might not want to deprive yourself of such happy occasions due to your weak health. Stay healthy and you will have a good time this year.
Although you might cross paths with some difficult people, the situation will not be severe as the good news will be that you will not lack support and assistance. When you are faced with issues, you might not want to dwell too much on them and avoid getting too affected by non-cooperative people. You might not be able to change them but you can work around them. Keep a positive mindset and ask for help. You will not be alone and certainly will not need to suffer in silence as there will be many who will be able to help you and will also be willing to do so. Count your blessings and enjoy being loved by your family and friends.

Embrace the year of the Tiger as there will be indications of movement that might refer to moving homes, frequent travels or simply being busy running errands. While you adhere to a tight schedule, there will be a great deal of instability during this year. There will also be many unforeseen circumstances that might strike quickly and suddenly that will also apply to your career, wealth and relationship matters. You might feel that you are being put to a test both physically and emotionally. You will tend to fall ill often and there will be signs of being accident-prone as well. People might let you down or pull the plug on you at the last hour. Thus, you might not want to rely too much on others as though it might sound quite bad, it will not entirely be a very bad year. You will be blessed with a lucky star that will be able to neutralize disastrous situations and help you survive the trials put to you. Your wealth luck will be very good this year. However, the possibility of large and sudden expenses will be equally strong and you will need to exercise caution when utilizing your good wealth to prevent losing it. Hold on tight and get ready for a roller coaster ride.
This will be such a busy and hectic year that you might often hope that there were more of you to do the job. If your job requires you to make business trips, you will be required to travel more often than usual. While your job will already be very demanding, new challenges will also strike quickly and suddenly. Thus, you might want to make contingency plans and arrange for more resources. You might also be unaware of betrayals and gossips about yourself because you will be too busy noticing. People might tend to let you down at a critical moment. Thus you might not want to rely on others to gather vital and sensitive information for you as it might be better to do it yourself. Your dedication to your work might bring some rewards to you. However, this might not necessarily be in the form of salary increases. If you earn through commissions, you will be able to do better than having a fixed salary. However, you might want to check that the sales that you bring in are accounted for and follow up with your clients to secure more sales.
If you are in business, you might find that this year will be full of activities and your sales will be good. However, you might need to track whether your activities are profitable. If you are careful in controlling your expenses, you will be able to enjoy high revenue. Although your business will be good, you will not want to expand your business as there might be many sudden and unexpected problems that might arise. Instead of getting carried away, it will be advisable to take a conservative approach and focus on stabilizing your business in order to increase your rate of success as well as your returns on investments. You will not be able to rely too much on others this year and if you need to gather sensitive information or need to secure important deals, it will be better for you to do it yourself. Even if others might promise to help you or provide you with certain deals, you will not want to put too much hope on them and it will be better not to depend on any specific individuals.
Your wealth luck will be good this year. Apart from having better wealth luck, you might also be rewarded in other ways with trophies, awards, vouchers or other means. Although this will be a good year to attain wealth, it will not be easy to retain it because there will be signs of large expenses. This might be due to overspending during your travels, moving homes, renovations or even making many impulsive purchases. Thus, you will need to watch your expenses and live within your means. Another potential area that might cost you a lot will be medical expenses. To reduce such a possibility, you might want to take good care of your health and safety.
If you are single, the chances of meeting someone special will be slim. This is mainly because you will be always traveling or in the midst of something. As such, you will tend to overlook those who might have an interest in you unless they will be able to express their feelings in a clear and strong manner to capture your attention. Thus, you might want to slow your pace in order to give your admirers some opportunities to show their interest. For those who are already in a relationship might find that having a long distance relationship or a tight schedule will cause much toil in the relationship. If this will be a temporary arrangement at work, you might want to have a good talk with your partner to obtain their understanding and patience. If it will not be temporary, you might want to seek alternative arrangements in order to bring balance to your life instead of straining your personal life as the harm caused might be irreversible.
Your health will be unstable this year. However, you might not need to be overly concerned about this. It will definitely help if you take care of your diet, stress levels and have regular exercises. However, the concern is that there will be indications of being accident-prone or having any incidents relating to blood loss that might include cuts, surgeries, blood transfusions, tooth extractions etc. Thus, you will want to stay focused when you drive, operate machinery or when crossing the road and be careful if you need to use sharp items like scissors or knives. Paying extra care to your safety will reduce or even eliminate the chances of accidents happening. As you will be blessed with a lucky star, the accidents might be frightening but will not be life threatening.
You will not pay too much attention to what is going on around you this year because you will be too busy trying to finish your tasks at hand. However, this will not imply that you will get away unscathed. Many people might pay lip service to you but will pull out when you really need them and this might not give you ample time to execute any contingency plans. Hence, it will be best not to rely on others to obtain sensitive or confidential information for you this year and you might also want to have more than a single source of help. People might also badmouth you as you will be preoccupied with other matters. Thus you might want to take measures to protect yourself from such unfounded accusations. Although you might not have the time to confront others, you will still need to protect yourself.

The year of the Tiger will be a fantastic year for you in many areas of your life. Opportunities for career advancement and better wealth luck will propagate this year and you will be given strong support from the relevant parties. Relationship matters will also run smoothly. However, the downside for this year is that the challenges that strike will be lethal and unexpected. You might not want to be complacent by trusting people easily and also keep a clear mind. Be self-disciplined to avoid falling into the trap of vices that might open yourself up to dangers. No matter how confident you might be in your plans, it will be advisable to have contingency plans as it will always do you more good than harm to think of rainy days. Due to the nature of this year, you will be susceptible to illnesses that will strike suddenly such as heart attacks, strokes etc. As such you might want to maintain and monitor your health and avoid allowing strong emotions to impact your health or letting your health impact your plans this year. Hope that you will be able to fly high this year but not forget to bring along your parachute.
This will be a very good year for your career advancement. There will be many opportunities to shine at work and your efforts will be well recognized. You will be given a freehand in development and execution of plans as management will have great confidence in you. In general, you will get assistance and support from many people. While you are riding high, you might want to remind yourself to stay humble, always have contingency plans and also not be too trusting. Though it might appear that the year will be smooth sailing, the challenges will be thick and fast and there will be those who might back out from your decisions at the last minute that might cause your plans to come to a complete halt. There will also be people who might try to sell you ideas that do not work. If you will be able to have contingency plans and stay focused on what you need to do without being complacent, not only will you impress your superiors but you will also reinforce your good standing in the company.
If you are in business, there will be many opportunities for you to collaborate with prestigious companies and partners that will bring your business to new heights. You will also get the support and assistance from many when faced with problems and there will be great opportunities for you to improve your market share and profitability this year. While you will be doing very well, always remember to stay practical, and humble. Avoid being stubborn or let your new found success to cloud your judgment. You will want to stay on your toes as the obstacles that arise this year might deliver a fatal punch and this might be as a result of being over confident, trusting in those that will mislead you or unforeseen circumstances arising at the 11th hour. You will need to keep up your defenses and remain agile in your approach even when you are doing well and will not want to trust people easily and always have a back up plan handy. If you will be able to protect yourself and your business well, this will be a fantastic year for your business.
This will be a good year for your wealth luck. If you are salaried, you might have the opportunity to have salary increments as your contribution to the company will be recognized. If you are in sales or business, this will be a fruitful year for you as well. However, if you are to engage in investments or any gambling activities, you will need to exercise caution when taking calculated risks as your wealth luck will be unstable. The likelihood of making a lot of money will be as great as losing as much of it on investments or by making the wrong judgment. You will want to evaluate your investment strategies and techniques carefully.
If you are single, there will be greater opportunities for you to know more people and expand your social cycle. You might fall in love this year and a lot of fun and enjoyment awaits you. If you are seeing someone, you might proceed to the next phase of your relationship. If you are already married, the passion and love in your relationship will be rekindled. As you might get complacent easily you might be easily seduced by the excitement of nightlife and having extramarital affairs. Remember that once you get trapped in such vices, you will open yourself up to losing your marriage and the harmony in your family. This will rock the foundations of your success in other areas such as your business and career and will also risk the trust that people have in you. Thus, there will be too much to lose in a fit of folly.
In general, the illnesses that might affect you this year will be those that can occur suddenly and unexpectedly. These might include heart attacks, strokes, appendix problems, choking and asthma attacks. You might want to look after your health by having a balanced diet, keeping your stress levels low and participating in regular exercises. You will also want to watch out for sudden emotional changes that might evoke severe health conditions. As there might be many occurrences that might shock you, it will be best to condition yourself to be prepared for any unexpected eventualities by keeping calm.
People will not want to appear to be your enemy this year by confronting you outright because many will be aware that you will have strong backing and support and will be given a lot of power and responsibilities this year. They will be very subtle in terms of backstabbing and betraying you, hoping not to attract your attention. The good news will be that such actions will not be able to create too much harm to you. However, you will need to pay extra attention to people trying to sweet talk you into accepting certain proposals that might be to your disadvantage or might even lead to your downfall. Thus, it will be best not to place too much trust on others. There will be various ways to circumvent such problems through having more than a single source of information, having contingency plans and not relying solely on one person to get things done.

The year of the tiger will be filled with many challenges to test your resilience and agility. You might consider having the motto “Never say die” this year. The challenges this year will not be any worse of from those of previous years. However, you might not get the adequate support from the relevant people this year. In addition to this, there will be many who will betray, back-stab, badmouth and even accuse you falsely. If you fall into a rut, those whom you thought you could trust might react indifferently to your predicament. All this will compound into a morbid picture of society for you. Do not allow this to distract you from your goals or make you any less confident of yourself. Instead of focusing on how others might be trying to isolate you, look inward to find the resources you need. You will have more than you need to handle the situations and the uncooperative people. While you give your best efforts and look pass the nasty side of matters, you will be rewarded with assistance along the way. Your health will be unstable and you will be prone to injuries. Relationship matters will be below average. Focus, be strong and be open-minded.
In the area of your career, it will be quite frustrating as you will seem to be fighting the battle alone. Although the challenges will be manageable, the inadequate support from the authority figures and indifferent peers will cause longer time to solve issues and will be demoralizing for you. In addition to this, people will tend to gossip, badmouth or accuse you. Your tendency to overlook details and forget things will not help matters. You might feel disappointed or even tired of people in general and the ugly side of humans will push you away. You might often question whether you should change jobs or even leave the corporate world altogether. It will be important for you to pull yourself together and focus on the matters at hand. Be positive, persevere and stay alert as any opportunities to help yourself will be precious and you will need to be receptive to them. This year will put your surviving skills to the test. Have confidence in yourself and you will do much better than you think.
If you are in business, you may find that it is physically and emotionally draining for you. You might need to handle a lot of matters on your own. Your business partners and associates might seem to be only able to help in a minimal way. There will be more backstabbing, betrayals and accusation this year by your competitors, associates, and even your own employees and you might want to protect yourself by ensuring that you have all your documents in place and avoid sharing confidential or sensitive information. Do not let your guard down. As your focus will be quite weak, you will tend to forget things. Not only will this give ill-intentioned people opportunities to attack you, you might also lose some clients or business opportunities. You might also want to pen down things and give more time to important matters instead of brushing them off. Although business might be slow this year, you will want to focus on building it up slowly by anchoring it to a very strong foundation. This will enable your business to take off naturally and very quickly once the opportunity comes along.
Your wealth luck will be below average. There will be signs of huge expenses and it might seem to be more difficult than usual to save money. Your wealth might seem to be slipping away easily. You will want to watch your expenses and try your best to save for rainy days. It is not advisable for you to engage in investments or gambling activities this year. If you would like to invest, it will be advisable to choose investments that are low risk. You might also want to gather investment information and investigate your leads before doing so. Avoid relying on others as there will be strong possibilities of them providing misleading information. You will want to focus on guarding what you have rather than making a bold move.
If you are single, the chances of meeting someone special will be quite slim. You might prefer to have more personal time for yourself to do what you enjoy or you will tend to keep to yourself. If you are already seeing someone or are married, the relationship will be unstable this year. There will be possibilities that both you and your partner might be so busy that you can only spend very little time together or both of you will have cold wars more often or for longer periods of time. There will also be many fierce arguments and you might regret those nasty words said but they will be detrimental. If disagreements are not handled properly, the relationship might end in a break up or separation. You will want to remind yourself to be patient with your partner and if there are any concerns, give each other time to sort matters out.
You will be prone to more commonly known illnesses such as colds and flu. Although they will be common, you will want to treat them before they escalate into something more severe. Prevention will always be better than treatment and you might want to work on building up your immune system. Another area that you might pay extra attention to will be that you will be prone to injuries such as bruises, fractures, sprains or related injuries. This might be related more to your daily activities. Thus, you might want to watch where you are going, avoid knocking into things or over straining yourself during exercises.
Many incidents that will occur in the year of the Tiger might keep reminding you of the ugly side of human beings. Apart from backstabbing, betrayals, badmouthing and accusations the indifference to your suffering might be the ultimate push that will send shivers down your spine. It might be tempting for you to slowly isolate yourself or even feel like running away from what you are supposed to do. Thus, you might want to be alert and avoid trusting or relying on others this year. Be resilient and stay focused on what you have to do and do not let others shift your perspective about life and people and cause you to hide away from people. Remember that others will be who they choose to be but you will not need to be like them. Even though many people might seem to be nasty to you, look closer among them and you will find a few who will be nice and supportive.

Your luck has been continuously improving for the third consecutive year and the year of the Tiger will be even better than the Ox year. You will be popular and be able to get support easily and more opportunities will open up for you. Your focus will be strong and this will be the right time to pick up new skills, take classes or get involved in strategy planning. This will be an enjoyable but busier year and prioritization of tasks will be important especially as time will be limited. When compared with other years, betrayals and backstabbing might not be as severe. However, you will still remain the center of gossip and be involved in arguments. Avoid spending too much time and energy on such matters. Instead channel your energy to reap the best of this year and focus on positive matters. Your wealth luck will be good and there will be many opportunities for you to increase your income and wealth. However, stick to taking calculated risks only. You can be receptive to wealth but that will not imply that you jump into every possible opportunity blindly. You will also need to watch your expenses. Your health will be average but your elders’ health will be poor. Relationship matters will be a bit unstable but will not be major problem if handled well.
You will have a lot of fun and enjoyment at work this year. Although you will have a very tight schedule, you will feel fruitful and satisfied. Further, you will gain support from authority figures and peers easily and they will even help you voluntarily whenever challenges arise. As many of you will have this tendency to work yourself too hard, you might want to try delegating. If you feel overworked, cry out and help will be on its way. There will also be other people giving you more and better opportunities to perform or provide you with precious leads. It will be a smooth sailing year at work in general. There might be some gossip pertaining to you, arguments or a few people trying to make things difficult for you, but nothing will be able to dampen your mood or cause adequate harm to you. Focus on the positive matters and fully utilize the opportunities that will be given. This will be a good time to implement your plans with regard to your career plans.
Business will be even better than last year. You will be able to gain support from all the relevant people easily. Many people will assist you along the way and even provide you with good business leads. Although you will be showered with many opportunities, it will be important that you do not take them for granted and catch them before they slip away. You will be able to convince, negotiate and lead better. As it will be a smooth sailing year, you will tend to fill your schedule and will be all over the place. You might want to stay focused rather than trying to do too much and having to drop tasks along the way. You will also get wind of gossip concerning yourself or might be involved in disputes. Do not get too bothered by them because there will be much better uses of your time and energy. This will be a good time to bring your business to the next level or derive fantastic plans as you have built it up greatly over the past one-year. You will want to research into how to stretch every dollar that has been put in to expanding your business as you will not want to waste it and end up overspending.
There will be many opportunities for you to increase your income or commissions this year. You might discover some opportunities on your own while others might introduce or share business leads with you. You might want to be positive and receptive to receiving abundance in order to take advantage of this year. While you are being receptive, it will not connote that you open yourself to being short-changed or cheated. You might still want to do your calculations to check on the risks taken. Due to your very giving personality, you will tend to share your good fortune with others during your good times. However, you will want to remember to keep some for yourself as your generous mood might cause you to overspend. Watch your expenses and be careful of how you spend your money.
If you are single, this will be a good year to increase your social circle and you will be able to meet more interesting people. You might not want to rush into committing to a relationship yet, but rather give yourself and the other party more time to get to know each other. If you are in a relationship, there will be more squabbles than in previous years. As you will be spending more time on other aspects of your life, your partner might feel neglected and your partner might also feel envious of you having to socialize more than usual and their suspicions might start kicking in. Although they will want to trust you, it will be unusually tough when it comes to matters of the heart. You might want try to be patient and understanding with them. You will also want to include your partner in your activities or try to spend more quality time together.
Your health will be quite stable during this year and there will be no indications of major accidents or life threatening injuries. One of the potential problems that might arise will be that you might be very busy this year and be involved in more social activities or even more nightlife that you might end up neglecting your own health. Bear in mind that no matter how tight your schedule might be you will need to allocate some time for rest. You will not need to compromise your health and proper sleeping hours in order to obtain business or sales opportunities. On the contrary, in order to reap the best out of this year, you will need to have a clear mind and a healthy body. Elders at home might have poor health and safety and as such you might want to keep a look out over them.
In general, you will be able to make more friends and get more support this year than previously. The people issues this year will be very mild compared to previous years. Although there will still be people bad mouthing or quarreling with you, they will not be able to cause much impact to you. The reason for them acting in this way will not be because they dislike your personality but rather they just simply feel uncomfortable and jealous of you leading a better life than previously. Their reaction will have nothing to do with you but will only demonstrate that they might be having some issues with themselves and you will not want to get too affected by them as your attention will be required in many other more important areas. As you will be doing well this year, you will find that those who had forsaken you previously when you were going through a tough time might suddenly appear and want to be your friends. It will be fine to be friendly with them but at the same time always maintain your guard. Finally, you will want to focus on making friends or keeping in contact with those who are sincere and will be helpful to you.
My Chinese Symbol is Boar or Pig and i read it !! It is just amazing !! Same things were told to me by our family saint..Great
Hi again! Welcome to and thanks for visiting this new blog.
Yes, it is amazing that the characteristics are true. That is why we can almost tell a person's traits/character once we know the animal year he/she was born in.
Eh was born in the Year of the Elephant don't have leh? haha This blog is your latest addition? Merry Xams.
Oops Merry Xmas!!!
Bananaz, why am I not surprised that the elephant was not one of the twelve animals who made it before Buddha when the animals were summoned. The elephant probably need a weight-loss programme. LOL!
Happy new year!
Happy New Year to you.
Wow! Very interesting this Tiger Zodiac.
Enjoyed reading it.
Wishing you the best of 2010, Lee.
Wao, I have to control my spending coming tiger year. Well is better to believe than to be sorry. Thanks, that is interesting.
thnks m a tiger.....n thnks too for visiting me...
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